Tuesday, 21 January 2014

TPV Team Latest: The Saga Which Writes Itself

When I was a kid, there was an advert for canned mushrooms the strap line to which was, 'you have to get up early to pick mushrooms a fresh as Chesswood'. It was strange that that advert came back to me as I was browsing the David Icke Forum at 11.00am but as I read one thread with no replies entitled, 'Another Volunteer Leaves TPV', I started to read it and due to its content became curious what other forum members thought even before I had finished, so I refreshed the page. There were a couple of comments. The thread linked to a blog article and I decided to continue reading on the blog itself. It was not particularly short so when I returned to the browser tab on the forum, I was about to hit refresh when I thought, either there will be more posts or the thread will have been exterminated - so I saved the page as a web archive before refreshing and sure enough, it was gone.

The thread linked to this post on Mother Damnable Returns blog:

The Fatal Flaws at 'The People's Voice'

It transpires that it was written by the woman who was named by Chris Spivey as the TPV assistant producer who contributed the other half of the conversation when he was bumped from being interviewed on a hitherto unknown TPV show. The blog post suggests that the show was the Mark Windows vehicle which was hastily introduced to replace Sonia Poulton Live!

At this point, I feel that I have to clarify that I have mixed feelings about Chris Spivey. I admire anybody who is dedicated to revealing the rot which underlies the establishment - and much more so somebody who does it without pursuing financial gain. But I also know that he is prone to lengthy foul-mouthed rants against anybody who just happens to be standing in the wrong place - so I half expect a tirade dedicated this opinion without any sense of irony. However, Chris Spivey was treated very rudely and unprofessionally by The People's Voice and he was gracious enough to acknowledge that it was not the assistant producer's fault but that there was something culturally very wrong with the organisation if that's how guests were treated.

The blog post expresses how the writer views the infestation of The People's Voice by media whores and how certain paid members of staff use their status to bully those they describe as 'gentle'. It exposes a very unhealthy sounding environment which embodies everything which, one must take as read, donors to The People's Voice assume it to stand against. It is actually quite disgusting to read but, if true, is very likely the signal that the end is very near unless there is radical change.

It is, however, quite significant that the writer of the blog remains loyal to David Icke believing that he has been let down by those leaping on the bandwagon which The People's Voice provided to a media industry which is vastly overpopulated - it is said that there are more media students than there are jobs in the media (not vacancies, jobs!).

In the article, the writer does not hold back from naming names. They say of producer Richard Rowland 'boasted to me how he had deliberately upset her by constantly changing her running order whilst she was live on air. He told me he had decided that  “she would be out of here before I am” on his first day, and that she didn’t "respect" him enough.'

And that referring to Jacqui Deevoy, Richsrd Rowling said, 'I’m fucking that tonight' but she didn't seem to mind.

Mark Windows 'stunk to high heaven, clearly never washed and wore the same clothes day after day...
...Difficult as Mark Windows is only interested in Mark Windows, but I persevered.'

Perhaps mostdisappointing for an alternative media outlet, there is an account of how a great stories were dropped and other guests left hanging, in one case at 4.00am because the people responsible are too disorganised an bad mannered.

Just out of curiosity, I thought I'd take a quick look at one of the people mentioned in the article.

Jacqui Deevoy appeared in a Daily Mail article whining that she could not afford to send her son to a private school. How awful! I can't really object to people sending their kids to private schools (they ought to be free to do what they want with their money) but please don't beg for sympathy - especially when some people struggle to even feed their kids. I'm not sure this falls within the parameters one might expect for a channel purporting to be champion of the people.

The shame when you can't pay the school fees: Mother reveals the heartbreak of having to remove her son from private education

She also wrote an article saying that she thought it was OK to spy on one's partner by reading the text messages on their phone - you should fit in well at TPV, then, Jacqui because the way things are going they will be introducing a macro-spy grid. What does David Icke call it? The totalitarian tiptoe and it starts with a single shuffle.

Is it ever ok to check your other half's text messages or emails?

Just to close, here is the URL to the disappeared thread on the David Icke Forum and a screen grab:

Another Volunteer Leaves TPV


  1. It is now illegal in the SoviICKE Republic to link to that blog or mention the author's name.

    Links to the blog are censored thus:


    And mentioning the author got a forum member suspended plus it looks attempts havebeen made to eradicate the author's name though one occurrence remains Forum adviser i_am evidently doesn't realise that they are making a fine job of showing everybody outside the claque what a corrupt and oppressive little tinpot dictatorship they are running there.

    They are surely in the death throes when they have to resort to such measures.

  2. Hi I do understand you are bored of this, however there have been developments in comments on my blog

    "Having been pointed to your blog, I have seen several libelous comments regarding the use of drugs, and drug paraphernalia at TPV.
    Individuals have been libeled in your blog and in subsequent comments.

    This blog has been screen captured and is being passed on to our solicitors."
