Monday 20 January 2014

No Poetry Please! We're Loyal Servants of Adolf Ickeman

The Third RIcke on the David Icke Forum just took an anti-culture swipe at a forum member called giblet for speaking or, more precisely, typing in rhyme. The thread which contained the post has been exterminated and the author has been marched off to a death camp, the user's profile now says 'inactive' which is a David Icke Forum euphemism for banned; if the user tries to log in they will find that they cannot even read any posts let alone speak ill of Der Führer.

As can be seen from this URL, the post no longer exists:

And if you are prepared to risk entering the Neo PolIcke State, here is giblet's remains:

So, what did the wretched traitor write to deserve to be expunged? Fortunately, having had a premonition that they would pay the ultimate price, I copied it to my clipboard. I'm not a huge fan of poetry but occasionally I will hear or read something which resonates and before I even digested this, I felt there was something significant about it. And thankfully, giblet provided a short explanation to one of the less intellectually endowed forum members, as you will read.

I thank you, giblet, and I hope you do not object to be reproducing your work here, there is a link below to another page where you have published it. Here it is as it appeared on the David Icke Forum:

Advice Kid Your cards they are a tumbling and falling,
Pennies from heaven can not save you now,
For you destiny has come a calling,
Yet your demise seems a pity somehow.

But your days they have always been numbered,
Alongside all the steps that you would take,
To save each opportunity blundered,
Not just for your's but everyone's sake.

Your sheep are naked lost up on the moor,
Your dogs have been barking up the wrong tree,
One thing will remain forever for sure,
The simple fact that you never fooled me,

Though I smile as you take your final bow,
Your demise still seems a pity somehow.

rainbow pharoah
So what's your point

The title is an anagram of David Icke.

Pennies from heaven refers to his constant begging for money from his followers who perceive him to be some kind of saviour.
Opportunites blundered refers to the fact that although he has made a hash of The People's Voice he could fix it through accepting responsibility and moving on instead of blaming those who haven't sent him money.
Sheep is his favourite way of describing people who fail to follow his preachings. They are naked because they have been fleeced.
Dogs refers to the moderators on his forum who are rabid in their blind defence of him.
And yes his demise is a shame considering the good he could have done.

Advice Kid by Anthony Di'anno:

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