Thursday 9 January 2014

Did you ever wonder why nobody checks David Icke's work?

There is shit flying in all directions regarding The People's Voice and the not wholly inexpected departure of one of its stars - the factors involved were far too volatile for there to be peace and love.

But whilst the aroows rain down on both sides, it's reassuring that David Icke, with true goalkeeping discipline, has not taken his eye off the ball. He is maintaining a steady output of thoroughly researched articles for his site's headlines page. And there, in the midst of the news stories for today, 9th January 2014, is the following image:

You will notice that the caption asks, 'Did you ever wonder why "Latin" was removed from STATE schools?' It is not really clear why the word Latin is wrapped in quotation marks or indeed why the word STATE needs to be shouted. But anyway, the image then shows the coat of arms of the City of London or, more precisely, the City of London Corporation, as opposed to the actual city of London itself.

Anyway, that hors d'oeuvres of pedantry out of the way, on to the plat principal. The motto on the coat of arms reads, 'DOMINE DIRIGE NOS' and below the image is a list of suggested translations of the Latin motto which appear to assert that the motto means something about mistress or domination dividing or destroying us.

Well, the first word is not far from being a rough translation, it's actually the wrong gender as it translates as lord. However, the second word is misspeled in the list (right next to the word itself) and instead of being spelled dirige is spelled diripio and so any translation of this is irrelevant because it isn't even the right word.

Nos is corectly translated as us.

So, whilst this image tells those who will not bother to check (i.e. probably every devotee of David Icke) that the motto translates as something akin to mistress destroy us or tyranny divides us what it actually means is. lord guide us; a fact which can easily be verified with any online Latin translator if you don't happen to have a Latin scholar at hand. And if you can't find an online tranlator, there is always Google:

Such risible rubbish is standard fayre on David Icke's headlines page but also throughout his prolific canon which none of his disciples ever bother to check. This excellent piece by Martin Frost from five years ago must have escaped David Icke's attention otherwise he would have heeded its advice.

Finally, there is plenty of comment elsewhere on the current state of chaos at The People's Voice, without any need for my input, perhaps the most cogent of which is earthlinggb's blog here:

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