Saturday, 25 January 2014

Hypocrite Considers Throwing Persistent Internet Pirates in Jail [sic]

OK, so, it's only two days since I publicly announced that I was bored with it all but I wasn't expecting David Icke to throw me an irrisistable meaty chunk like this.

Anybody with any interest in free speech and who has observed the Stalinist censorship on David Icke's forum will know that any mention of certain words or phrases relating to BitTorrent will be redacted with a nice row of asterisks and links to torrent sites will consquently have thir URLs broken. The reason for this is supposed to be because it is illegal to mention BitTorrent or link to torrent sites, according to clueless Technical Adviser, 'i_am'. As pointed out previously here, that would put many major websites such as The Guardian, BBC, Wikipedia, Google and thousands of others on the wrong side of the law. The real reason, as is pretty evident when one has frequented some of the torrent sites in question, is that David Icke, via his sidekick, Sean Adl Tabatabai, has threatened those sites with legal action unless torrent of his 'message' are removed.

Before we go on to today's little gem, perhaps we should explore this facet of David Icke's persona for a moment. He proselytises that people should see through materialism because it is all an illusion, he never ceases preaching about how tirelessly he works to get 'material' out and at a very famous turning point in his life, claimed to be a son of the godhead.

Without wishing to make a direct comparison, just suppose that Jesus returned. Would it be reasonable of him to threaten people with legal action for sharing the message which he was so interested in spreading? However, that is what David Icke, who is regarded by many on his forum as a saviour, does, and does so to protect the income he makes from the sales of hard copies of his material. And he is quite happy for people with very little money to forego paying their rent in order to line his pockets. This is a man who quotes Gandhi and borrowed the words of Jesus for the title of one of his books, '...and the truth shall set you free'. Unfortunately, his disciples cannot see the truth of utter hypocrisy at every level of this man. Many have given money they can ill-afford to do without in order to fuel the latest vehicle for his ego in the belief that he will save them. They are stretching their cognitive dissonance to its limit yet still yearn to find another last penny to donate. But that's just the back end. Anybody with any objective detached reasoning can see what a phony, David Icke is, his integrity has the breaking strain of a Kit-Kat.

Professing that everything, including money, is an illusion whilst charging people to read and hear what you have to say on the matter shows about as much faith in one's own words as the Pope riding around in a bullet-proof Popemobile [nod to Bill Hicks] or the Church of England insuring its buildings against acts of God.


Anyway, on today's David Icke headlines page, I saw this:

UK Considers Throwing Persistent Internet Pirates in Jail [sic]

‘During a debate on the UK’s Intellectual Property Bill, the Prime Minister’s Intellectual Property Adviser has again called for a tougher approach to online file-sharing. In addition to recommending “withdrawing Internet rights from lawbreakers”, Mike Weatherley MP significantly raised the bar by stating that the government must now consider “some sort of custodial sentence for persistent offenders.” Google also got a bashing – again.’

Which in turn, links to this on Torrent Freak:

UK Considers Throwing Persistent Internet Pirates in Jail [sic]

It may not be immediately apparent but here we see yet another dimension to David Icke's hypocrisy. He appears to be giving a display of support for internet freedom whilst taking his own stand against filesharers. But, not only that, he has posted a link to a site which is forbidden on his website forum. I wonder how 'sean', 'i_am', 'ex sheep' and 'zhiba' will explain the asterisks should anybody attempt to share David Icke's headline story on the forum.

I doubt that any of David Icke's lieutenants ever visit here but if they do and read this far, you are lost so far up your master's arsehole, you cannot tell shit from Sugar Puffs.

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