Thursday 15 August 2013

Ruminant Defamation by MSNBC Rentallects

I'm no fan of Alex Jones. He is a bully and exaggerates to the point of outright dishonesty and that discredits him. Alex Jones is his own biggest fan and worst enemy. However, like many who have conspiracy careers, much, if not most, of what he says is based on fact. I'm pretty sure that deep down he has integrity even if he portrays himself as a lunatic every time he gets the opportunity to address a wider audience in the mainstream media. Such forays provide the establishment with all the ammunition necessary and Jones' self-inflicted character assassinations are anti-viral and this segment includes a clip of his appearance on the BBC's Sunday Politics which, interestingly, shows more of Andrew Neil's 'we had an idiot on the show this week' and 'lunatic' hand signals than Jones himself.

Giving a dumb presenter the opportunity to look intelligent by giving them a pseudo-intellectual script to read may massage their ego and, in a culture of celebrity worship and hunger for fame, it is understandable, up to a point, why somebody with limited analytical capacity and a desire for glamour would take a huge salary to appear smart by attacking who they have been told are the nation's enemies.

But the 'proper' intellectuals who weigh in are the true ignoramuses here. They trot out nonsense without the embarrassment of a theatre reviewer who slates a play without ever having seen it - it is crystal clear that they are reading their information from a pro-establishment fact file on Alex Jones which was compiled during a game of Chinese whispers.

In the piece, Jones is accused of being a lying racist hate criminal which, even as somebody who frequently cannot listen to his verbal barrages, I have to say, is categorically undeserved and seriously libelous. But the table of intellectuals who made the proclamations with such aloofness are, by far, the most worrying aspect of this sorry example of media bullshit, for they exemplify the academic bubble in which the herd mentality is as inflencial as in the football stadium. None dare even look at the evidence lest it forces them open to persuasion.

Alex Jones Responds to MSNBC’s Defamation

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