Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Why does anybody believe anything David Icke says when he repeats shit like this?

Dear David Icke,

It has long since been said that you contaminate the truth about the evil and corruption in the world with idiotic nonsense thus discrediting everything. If somebody was to shit diarrhoea in the cake display, nobody would touch even the delicacies in boxes at the farthest edge. And that, mate, is what you do; like it or not. You could have or could still choose not to but you persist in doing it with the kind of arrogance which only makes you and your followers look even more pathetic.

And over the years you have made many patently false claims, some of which you swept away after they were exposed, some you never let go. You like to tell everybody that you said this, that or the other twenty five years ago when, in fact, you were repeating allegations made by somebody else and trying to take the credit. Or you may claim to have brought something to the world's attention when in fact it is a blatent lie such as your claim to have exposed Jimmy Savile when there is not a shred of evidence that you mentioned him in relation to any of his depravity until after his death - not unlike the mainstream media you claim to oppose.

But here's a joke from yesterday's David Icke headlines page which I was going to ignore but which is like an itch no amount of scratching will rid:

So Who Knew What? – Banned BBC Not The Nine O’Clock News Sketch (1979-1982)

What the fuck are you talking about, Icke? Banned? Where did you find that this video was banned? I realise that journalists of your calibre like to keep their sources confidential but perhaps you can simply point the reader to any evidence whatsoever that it is banned at all.

You often go on about repeaters but you are as much a repeater as anybody. You posted this story without so much as even asking yourself if its claim was true.

You are full of shit.