I have followed Mike Ruppert's work for at least a decade and whilst I may have had certain reservations about some of his thoughts and conclusions, I tended to agree with him on most things but this is not the time or place for pedantic analysis.
I listened to his last broadcast of The Lifeboat Hour, after I heard he had died - recorded very shortly beforehand, looking for something to indicate his state of mind - not out of some need to prove that he had met the same fate as Gary Webb because he wasn't suicidal, rather because I know from my own experience how well practised one can be at projecting an image of normality to the world whilst internally falling apart or imagining self-annihilation. There was nothing, except perhaps in the nuance of the lyrics of a song he played (Calling All Angels by Jane Siberry and k d lang) which indicated he was about to end his life. Indeed, he signed off with the clearest intention of being back the following week.
Like many, I sought confirmation of the unbelievable truth of what I had heard and there was little apart from forum speculation to go on. There were just two news websites which reported Mike Ruppert's death:
I am not so naive that I would expect it to be international news but I was surprised how difficult it was to find information, even his Wikipedia page kept changing from one minute to the next.
But whilst I can reconcile myself to the news not permeating into the mainstream, I cannot really accept that it has been ignored by others who purport to have the same or similar goals and who have trodden the same path. Most notably, there was not (and currently, is not) a single word about Mike Ruppert's death on infowars.com or any other of Alex Jone's websites. It's no secret that Ruppert and Jones did not get on and had traded acerbic comments but anybody who has followed the unfolding of the 9/11 myth from the outset will know that they were both amongst the very few who spoke out from the beginning. Jones' failure to acknowledge Mike Ruppert's death is a further indication of what a disrespectful gristle head Alex Jones really is.
Elsewhere, it was eventually reported (three days later) on David Icke's ironically titled Headlines page (often stories are years out of date) but rather than linking to one of the two sites which broke the story, David Icke resorted to his Daily Mail fetish and linked to a shoddy little scribble flanked by celebrity tittle-tattle and upskirt photos.
Please ignore these sweaty wealth seeking egos and watch this personal and emotional tribute from RT's Abby Martin.