At 10.00pm on Fridays, The People's Voice will attempt to broadcast The Psychic Clinic, which it describes as follows:
The Psychic Clinic is a is a modern, informed take on all things psychic, spiritual and paranormal. Hosted by Vanessa Mitchell and Dr Donna Harris PhD plus 'Cosmic Kitchen' with Yasmin Boland and Jacqui Deevoy.
Whooo-oooh! Sounds serious, a programme about the paranormal presented by a real doctor. Let's find out more; what kind of doctor is she, surely not a GP, maybe a doctor of philosophy or psychology or something proper brainy.
Googling Dr Harris... Googling Dr Donna Harris...
Ah, here we go, first hit:
Not too promising, as a trainee web designer, I was always cautioned about uploading pages with UNDER CONSTRUCTION notices everywhere - especially when there is no evidence of any tradesmen having been near the place in months.
But what's this? Her first book, Dead Weird is available at:
Well, why didn't you say?! At least this site was finished - some time in the 90s by the look of it. And there is a biography of Dr Donna Harris on the main page.
First of all, Dr Harris, one only places a full stop after an abbreviation if the last letter of the abbreviation differs from that of the word being abbreviated, so there is no full stop after Dr. Unless it is at the end of a sentence. Anyway, about that doctorate. Ah... here we go:
In December 2011 Donna was awarded a ‘Doctorate of Esoteric Science Degree’ by Dr Clark Schmidt from the Institute of Metaphysics and Psychic Sciences in Saint Petersburg. Dr C Schmidt put Donna’s name forward for the many years she has committed to the study of all things metaphysical and for her valued contribution to the gathering of such evidence.
There have only ever been three Full Diplomas’ awarded and we are proud to announce Donna now holds that third one..
Very impressive! A ‘Doctorate of Esoteric Science Degree’ by Dr Clark Schmidt from the Institute of Metaphysics and Psychic Sciences in Saint Petersburg. Well, there was some hugely groundbreaking work done on the paranormal in the former Soviet Union, there must be some very eminent scholars on the subject at the Institute of Metaphysics and Psychic Sciences; let's look for Dr Clark Schmidt.
Oh... that Saint Petersberg, the one in Florida. The one which doesn't even have a domain name and sits on a completely nondescript subdomain of a web host.
But hey, that's the one. And on it, Dr Schmidtis very keen to tell us about his qualifications. On the bottom of his biography page is the following:
Questions have arisen about my qualifications and what field of study I am devoted to. Here is the answer.
A person can study the many aspects of Esoteric Metaphysics and still doesn't have all the answers to this diverse subject. For there are more questions than answers. As like the study of the cancer cell for example. The answer might come to the researcher, and just as soon as he/she publishes a paper, wham; something new crops up and the process begins again. This is like Esoterics, a person can study say, NDE, and can write a paper on this subject,, but that person might forget, that OBE can coincide with NDE, as well, as atral projection,.See where this is leading. As not, to go into in-depth detail, and to keep this short, my field of study is: ASTRAL PROJECTION, NDE, MAGICK, HEALING ENERGIES OF THE BODY (wrote a book on the subject),TALOS and LONG DISTANT HEALING, REINCARNATION, HOW TO OPEN UP TO PSYCHIC PHENOMENA, UFO ENCOUNTERS AND MIB. And still studying these subjects and their inter-relationship with one another. No one is an expert, only knowledgable as to what has been studied and learned. It is like Huxley, from his book,''The Doors of Perception', and there are many doors to wander through. I have been wandering through these doors for going on 54 years.
I hope that this answers the question that has been asked of me.
Er... no, actually, what about your qualifications. I thought you were going to clear up the questions which have arisen about them.
But anyway, here is a copy of the Diploma of Dr Donna Harris PhD - notice that there is a typo in the very first line, the very first word, the very first letter!
So much for Dr Donna Harris. Who else is presenting The Psychic Clinic? Ah, yes... Vanessa Mitchell.
When Googling, the first link to the Vanessa Mitchell in question is unfortunately behind a paywall on The Sun's website:
Mum and baby son forced out of their house by ghosts
Not much to see there apart from a photo of a very gloomy Vanessa Mitchell and an invitation to subscribe to The Sun. No, thanks, Rupert.
But here is a link to the same story on the tabloid train litter, Metro's website:
Brave mother runs ghost tours around her haunted home to make ends meet
Poor lamb! Though that article is a bit thin on detail from scouting around (see later in the post), it seems that Vanessa Mitchell was forced to charge people £25 to £35 per head to have a nosey around her house and betwen £230 and £300 per pop for folk with an investigative bent - just to pay her mortgage!
According to one investigator's website, The Sun had said:
Terrified Vanessa Mitchell, 37, told how weeks after moving in the spooks started: Sneakily HITTING her from behind, PULLING her hair and trying to SHOVE visitors down the stairs. They also invisibly MOVED objects around, RATTLED doorknobs and TURNED ON taps. Then they made BLOODSPOTS appear in the hall. The final straw was after she gave birth — and when son Jesse was four months old she saw a male apparition standing over his cot.
But no £230 to £300 investigations had found any evidence to support the claims.
The site, Hayley is a Ghost, goes on to illustrate that the so-called evidence put forward of blurry orbs and etherial bodies could very well have been faked - even in front of witnesses and provides a video showing how simple it is to fake such phenomena.
If memory serves me correctly, in the promorional video repeated ad nauseam on The People's Voice, Vanessa Mitchell says, 'open your eyes, open your mind'. Please do.