Tuesday, 29 October 2013

David Icke's Continuing Censorship Hypocrisy Augurs Badly for The People's Voice

Since the last post about the idiotic censorship on David Icke's website forum, another thread was started to discuss (one can only assume) some of the latest developments in the issue of BitTorrent and the ongoing legal battles surrounding the peer-to-peer file sharing protocol:

 ******* Resurrected Less Than Two Weeks After $110

But readers can only guess what the post is about because any mention of the subject matter has been censored and the post looks like a redacted CIA extraordinary rendition document. The only way to guess which BitTorrent sites are mentioned is by counting the asterisks and trying to match names to the number of censored letters.

As anybody following the above link will observe, the thread has undergone total censorship as it has been completely removed. However, the post can be seen in the below image.

With just over two weeks to the launch of the supposed uncensored television channel, The People's Voice, David Icke is looking like a bit of a pillock censoring words which appear all over the internet. Just how fearless is this new broadcasting venture going to be when the channel's front man is too scared to mention a word which appears in the Oxford English Dictionary and on the BBC website:



David Icke, you really ought to pull yourself together and stop behaving like a dickhead; how can anybody take your claim of uncensored broadcasting seriously when your site's forum is full of racism, profanity and libel yet the word ********** is banned.

Grow the fuck up!

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Don't Mention BitTorrent! At least not to David Icke

Just a month before the launch of David Icke's supposedly uncensored television channel, The People's Voice, a most ridiculous example of censorship has taken place on Icke's own website forum in keeping with earlier accounts.

The thread titled, ********** Bashes NSA In Billboard Campaign (now moved and locked) might lead readers to believe that some filthy mouthed poster had started this thread yet it transpires that the asterisks are there to obfuscate the word BitTorrent rather than a string of conventional expletives.

The forum's Technical Advisor claims that the reason is that Torrents contain copyrighted material but as pointed out by another forum user (and as anybody who has so much as glanced at The Pirate Bay saga) knows, this is absolute *******s, er... sorry, bollocks!

And even if there was some internet mandate which said that you cannot link to websites which contain torrent files (which there is not), the internet's own Big Brother, Google would be the greatest offender. But there is no law on this planet that says that you cannot write the word BitTorrent, if there was, all these 26,900,000 sites would be in breach of it:


Note, that includes The Guardian, LA Times, Russia Today and Wikipedia. Google even hosts the official BitTorrent client for their Android operating system.

Perhaps the Technical Advisor on David Icke's website forum is talking out of his **** er... I mean arse! Maybe they are blatantly lying.

It is far more likely that the reason the subject of BitTorrent is such a prickly one for David Icke is that he has been known to have made threatening moves towards torrent sites which share his material and thus eat into his profits.

David Icke's self-righteous stance against censorship is a fucking joke! Sorry, a f*cking joke! He should be fucking embarr***ed. How often has the following image of a badge with the words, 'The Worst Part of Censorship is ****** ******' appeared on David Icke's headlines page?

It's impossible to estimate as it seems to appear every other day but here are some examples:





As a slight aside, does David Icke ever stop asking for money? After having met the goal for his crowd funded television station in next to no time, the final amount raised was almost triple the original target, but even that didn't stop him as he's still begging for more and at a time when most people who are worst affected by those Icke points the finger at are struggling to choose between eating and heating. You might think that somebody who preaches that everything is an illusion (his latest money spinner which seems to head every page on his site is called The Perception Deception) might have the ability to transcend the need for ca$h.