Friday 1 November 2013

David Icke Forum Rules Confound any Sense of Decency

I am not so naive as to believe that David Icke will actually read this but nonetheless, I will address this to him if only rhetorically. And I did not intend to find myself on a campaign against David Icke in the last few weeks before the lauch of his television station, The People's Voice (I actually hope that it is successful) but the hypocrisy of proclaiming oneself as an advocate of free speech whilst censoring on one's own website is untenable.

How can youpossibly justify the censoring of the words BitTorrent and, in the latest example, TorrentFreak which appear all over the internet on news sites, search engines, and online dictionaries when you allow comments which are clearly racist to go completely unchallenged by moderators and barely even challenged by other forum members?

Forum member 'gremlin' started a thread called, '6 MILLION bottles of Aussie wine down drain'. In their first post, they wrote (see screen capture below):

'This should be more of an outcry than 6 million jews being slaughtered imo.'

I'm not sure how such a comment could be regarded as being anything less than racist and offensive. Anybody who has any knowledge of David Icke's background will know that he has been on the receiving end of accusations of anti-Semitism and been associated with holocaust deniers though personally, I accept that he is not himself anti-Semitic nor a holocaust denier. Like many people (though notably, not the mainstream media) he is able to discriminate between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism but the comment cannot be defended in any way in these terms.

Yet, as can be seen from a thread started today, the subject of file sharing is prohibited.


Please, David Icke, explain yourself.


  1. Check out the discussions on Truth Zone for more Interesting and in depth comments about David Icke and his forum.

  2. Thanks for the URL. I just looked and such is my habit, I read the first page then skip to the last - it seems to have gone a little bit off topic.
